This lazy afternoon brought about a curios thought. In Hindi, (The predominant language of North India) both 'yesterday' and 'tomorrow' are expressed by a common word - “kal’. Why? Did the designers of the language appreciate there being no difference between the two? And it is only the present that actually matters. Great teacher Gautam Budha edifies the same, “every future moment takes only a moment to slide into the past”, inspiring a great scientist to remark: “........Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion”..... – Albert Einstein
Past, Present and Future may well be the essential concepts for our earthly existence, however, when it comes to Cosmic scheme of things, they are evidently irrelevant. Thus bringing us back, once again, to the riddle of TIME. Let’s re-visit the two concepts; GOD & TIME. Each is eternal? Each is omnipresent and omniscient? But, whereas, GOD can be accessed easily, be influenced through prayers, offerings, rituals and so on; TIME cannot be. While GOD needs humans (sentient beings) for its existence, TIME does not. It existed before the emergence of sentient beings and may exist even after their extinction. Therefore in the cosmic hierarchy TIME should be above GOD. Could we conclude that TIME may be the creator of GOD? Yet, the notion we always associate with TIME is that of movement and with GOD, that of fixed unchanging entity. This apparent contradiction in the nature of the two entities itself is the manifested duality of the Supreme Consciousness.
But duality has a distinct property of completeness, i.e. the two aspects should complement each other in a way to complete a whole and neither aspect can exist in isolation.
And, this stands true in most scenarios whether we bend time, circulate it, extend it across other dimensions, move it backwards or forwards – in absence of a fixed standard, the movement cannot be measured. We can either call this fixed standard as GRAVITY or GOD as they are both quite similar. Both exist in every atom and are present in the entire universe. Although GRAVITY cannot answer our prayers yet, nor can it give results for all of our actions. May be GOD is the evolved version of GRAVITY. But the relationship between GRAVITY and TIME is quite clear to the scientists and that is consistent with our assumption of duality.
However, when the origin of the universe is considered, this duality and the relationship between TIME & GOD gets a bit fudgy. One of the theories regarding the origin of the universe, on which most scientists, occultists and the religious leaderships agree upon is the theory of BIG Bang. The theory proposes that the universe began when an extremely dense matter which could condense no more began expanding with a big explosion (bang). Time was born at this moment. The space keeps expanding eventually condensing matter into galaxies, stars, planets etc. The space is still expanding. The scientists believe that the universe will expand up to a finite limit until the energy feeding the expansion is exhausted and will then begin to contract in a manner just opposite to the Big Bang and aptly named the BIG CRUNCH. The universe will again contract up to a finite limit and then will explode again in a BIG BANG. The cycle thus goes on. The Occultists or the religious scriptures are not very clear on the BIG CRUNCH aspect. Irrespective of that, if we consider TIME to be cyclical then the BIG CRUNCH appears probable.
So, what happens to TIME during the BIG CRUNCH? Does it continue to move forward or does it move backward? For example, if it moves backwards, will effect cause the Cause, as past slides into the future? How will then GOD relate to TIME?
Only TIME can tell.