Why the time is ripe? Because a new theory about the origins of the universe- deviating form the BIG BANG- which has traditionally been considered by scientists and esoteric both, as the origin of TIME, argues that TIME is ETERNAL. BIG BANG being only one of the many bangs caused due to the collision of the universes. Therefore, if we take the BIG BANG as the origin, it can only be Sub-TIME.
Readers may recall the double helix symbol so popularized as the representation of the DNA by the scientists and as sacred symbol by the esoteric. Each point of meeting of the threads may represent the point of collision of the universes and a BIG BANG. But both the threads in the double helix continue on their journey after every collision.
Adi Shankaracharya thought deeply about TIME too, and realized it thus in “Aparokshanubhuti (Direct Self Realization)”, in stanza 111:
111. The non-dual (Brahman) that is bliss indivisible, is denoted by the word ‘TIME’, since it brings into existence, in the twinkling of an eye all beings from Brahman downwards.
Bliss indivisible is probably as complete a definition of Brahman as any. He also considered manifestation of Brahman as TIME, and that is really the key, since he thought it to be the CAUSE of all existence.
Atharva Veda, written many thousand years ago indicates it thus:
“Time, the steed, runs with seven reins (rays), thousand-eyed, ageless, rich in seed. The seers, thinking holy thoughts, mount him, all the beings (worlds) are his wheels. (XIX.53.1)”
“With seven wheels does this Time ride, seven naves has he, immortality is his axle. He carries hither all these beings (universes). Time, the first god, now hastens onward. (XIX.53.2)”
The above paragraphs describe TIME as the immortal, the greatest GOD- creator & governor of all beings as well as affirms that it is possible to mount TIME by “thinking holy thoughts” – a clear pointer towards liberating the consciousness from the limits of TIME.
So, why do we need to either mount it or liberate ourselves from it if it is the CAUSE?