Saturday, November 21, 2009



"O TIME, Without me do not go",

lamented the great Sufi Poet Jalaluddin Rumi, probably conscious of the fact that at some point in time, TIME will go away- leaving  to the realm of speculation the more prosaic questions of what happens to the universe if TIME goes away; and whether the universe can exist at all, even in  particle form, sans' TIME.

One of the speculation could be that the TIME may have a wave like motion instead of being cyclical or linear. After all, the other universal entities like electromagnetic radiation, light, particles in quantum physics or even gravity – all appear to have a wave like motion. Why TIME should be any different. Difficult though it may be to grasp or even perceive of such concepts.

But percepts, like everything else - are only a temporary phenomena. As, they sway from one end to the other in Simple Harmonic Motion establishing the wave principle. One example being that following the acceptance of BIG BANG theory, it was widely believed that although the universe was expanding, the rate of expansion was slowing down. However, the data from Hubble Space Telescope changed this to establish that the rate of expansion of universe was actually accelerating leading to the concepts of dark matter and dark energy. A number of already proven and established theories regarding universe will have to be reworked in light of this the new discovery of dark matter or dark energy.

Yet, if we we consider TIME to be in a wave like motion, it shall  appear sometimes to accelerate motions and sometimes decelerate them.  This revelation  of Wave like motion of TIME could also offer a clue to understand the effects of different  lengths of branes in the extra dimensions- that the scientists are currently envisaging. This may also lend to probable re-working of the  theories of so called BIG BANG and BIG CRUNCH.

But, the biggest advantage of this speculation, however, is that it lends to endless TIME continuum. Poet Rumi, may not have to lament.


Monday, October 26, 2009



This lazy afternoon brought about a curios thought. In Hindi, (The predominant language of North India) both 'yesterday' and 'tomorrow' are expressed by a common word - “kal’. Why? Did the designers of the language appreciate there being no difference between the two? And it is only the present that actually matters. Great teacher Gautam Budha edifies the same, “every future moment takes only a moment to slide into the past”, inspiring a great scientist to remark: “........Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion..... – Albert Einstein

Past, Present and Future may well be the essential concepts for our earthly existence, however, when it comes to Cosmic scheme of things, they are evidently irrelevant. Thus bringing us back, once again, to the riddle of TIME. Let’s re-visit the two concepts; GOD & TIME. Each is eternal? Each is omnipresent and omniscient? But, whereas, GOD can be accessed easily, be influenced through prayers, offerings, rituals and so on; TIME cannot be. While GOD needs humans (sentient beings) for its existence, TIME does not. It existed before the emergence of sentient beings and may exist even after their extinction. Therefore in the cosmic hierarchy TIME should be above GOD. Could we conclude that TIME may be the creator of GOD? Yet, the notion we always associate with TIME is that of movement and with GOD, that of fixed unchanging entity. This apparent contradiction in the nature of the two entities itself is the manifested duality of the Supreme Consciousness.

But duality has a distinct property of completeness, i.e. the two aspects should complement each other in a way to complete a whole and neither aspect can exist in isolation.

And, this stands true in most scenarios whether we bend time, circulate it, extend it across other dimensions, move it backwards or forwards – in absence of a fixed standard, the movement cannot be measured. We can either call this fixed standard as GRAVITY or GOD as they are both quite similar. Both exist in every atom and are present in the entire universe. Although GRAVITY cannot answer our prayers yet, nor can it give results for all of our actions. May be GOD is the evolved version of GRAVITY. But the relationship between GRAVITY and TIME is quite clear to the scientists and that is consistent with our assumption of duality.

However, when the origin of the universe is considered, this duality and the relationship between TIME & GOD gets a bit fudgy. One of the theories regarding the origin of the universe, on which most scientists, occultists and the religious leaderships agree upon is the theory of BIG Bang. The theory proposes that the universe began when an extremely dense matter which could condense no more began expanding with a big explosion (bang). Time was born at this moment. The space keeps expanding eventually condensing matter into galaxies, stars, planets etc. The space is still expanding. The scientists believe that the universe will expand up to a finite limit until the energy feeding the expansion is exhausted and will then begin to contract in a manner just opposite to the Big Bang and aptly named the BIG CRUNCH. The universe will again contract up to a finite limit and then will explode again in a BIG BANG. The cycle thus goes on. The Occultists or the religious scriptures are not very clear on the BIG CRUNCH aspect. Irrespective of that, if we consider TIME to be cyclical then the BIG CRUNCH appears probable.

So, what happens to TIME during the BIG CRUNCH? Does it continue to move forward or does it move backward? For example, if it moves backwards, will effect cause the Cause, as past slides into the future? How will then GOD relate to TIME?

Only TIME can tell.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


An esoteric I have known for some time, seems to be always short of time. Keeping himself ever busy, he wishes if the days had more than merely twenty four hours, so that he could accomplish all that he conjured to. In a lighter mood, I, once casually mentioned to him, that he could be endowed with days comprising of more than 24 hours, provided he accepts the existence of the multi-dimensional time as a reality.
That was a long time ago and I myself had little understanding of a dimensions. I have even less now. But, lately it appeared to me that even inadvertently, I may have stated a real phenomena. And thus began my futile quest for understanding time.
In the scientific consideration, if time dimension is not linear, nor it be cyclical, then our hypothesis– ‘it exists in different dimensions in a different way’ appears rational. My newly purported hypothesis further gets strengthened with the current discoveries of Modern Physics - “The dimension of Space-Time is curved under influence of gravity”. Some laboratory experiments together with astro-data proved it too; although the scientists are still debating about the number of other dimensions - from 6 to 30+, yet generally they concur about the existence of other dimensions.
Yet, what leads to excitement is the development of the concept called, “BRANES”. Branes are the lengths of any object inside a dimension which could be calculated using mathematical models. This concept - not a proven principle – is used to explain may many hitherto fore unexplained phenomena in the universe. But suppose it was valid, then what happens to time in other dimensions? Also arises the most important question – “Can time transcend dimensions?”
To elaborate, suppose time was linear and therefore existed in each dimension exactly the way in our dimensions, then it will be possible to influence it the way it can be in our dimensions. Therefore there should be relationship between our dimensions and other dimensions. But suppose time was independent in every dimension – which currently appears to be the case as the length of Branes in each calculable dimension appear to be different, then it could provide answer to our dilemma of time being cyclical or linear. However, the methodology of its transcendences across dimensions still needs to be established.
Will such a hypothesis change our understanding of what we perceive about Laws of Karma, Dynamic Nature of Universe and the Origins of Universe itself? Could TIME be a central server serving the requests from different nodes (Dimensions)?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Time for Timeless

Sundays are often good for catching up on activities missed out during the week. Or, Sundays could be used for leisure - whiling away the TIME. Oh, The TIME.
"Don't waste your time", is probably the most used warning, implying you have only limited TIME available to you. The warning - is it subtle or is it cruel? What is TIME? Is it linear or cyclical? Is it matter or energy? Is it the creation or the creator? Or is it something entirely different?
Evidence points towards the latter. It could be both linear and cyclical. As a tiny fraction of the circle would appear as a straight line in a two dimensional plane. But what about multi-dimensional existences - what form it would take there? Can it remain cyclical or linear in dimensions where no circles or straight lines exist?
Many of us would like to believe that the TIME or the clock started ticking the moment the universe was created. Or, the so called Big Bang happened. That does'nt explain what caused the Big Bang or the Creation. So, what was there before? If TIME did not exist, how was the Creation or the Big Bang timed?
Well the easy answer is to create the opposite of the Big Bang, i.e. the Big Crunch, or the Judgement Day or the PRALAYA. So, it would seem logical that the TIME will originate with the Big Bang and the universe will keep expanding to a limit which the mathematicians can calculate, then the universe will begin contracting into a Black Hole -again to a limit where it will begin expanding again thorugh Big Bang. So, the TIME may appear to be cyclical.
But since in this model the TIME begins and ends in every cycle, and even though each cycle may be of symmetrical duration, it becomes linear again. Probable but unlikely. Why?
Because a more likely explanation will be that TIME, like the Supreme Consciousness is an entity by itself or is the Supreme Conciousness itself or it is the Universe Management Tool of the Supreme Consciousness from which all the events flow in multi-linear fashion making the TIME both, matter as well as energy - past as well as the future - cause as well as the effect.
So, will a study on the TIMELESS state be the study of the Supreme Consciouness itself?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A New Kind of Software

It was a dull and mundane day. Humidity was high. Temperatures were soaring. Perspiration ruled. This was a perfect setting for introspection. And what better topic to intrsopect than the basic unsolved question of my existence.
Unsolved, because the amount of literature, thought streams and teachings that exist on this subject can hardly be ever read by one peson in one lifetime, leave alone understood. Each stream claims to be the TRUTH, some revealed, some analyzed and some deduced. Some can be verified, others can be experienced while some others can be discarded or accpeted.
So, a thought stuck me. Just as on the monitor of a computer, we see a beautiful graphic and love it. But inside the processor or on the hard disk it just a combination of some unintelligible letters and numbers. The operating system or the software converts these letters and numbers into a graphic for us to view.
Could it be possible that such a software exist inside our minds which allows us to not see the letters and numbers and visualize only the graphic (MAYA). In which case, all our attempts to understand the TRUTH will be futile.
Is that what Arthur C Clarke hinted at in 2001: A Space Odyssey and currently the great mathematician Steven Wolfram tries to prove in his pathbreaking book " A New Kind of Science". Could the esoteric's belief in awakening the KUNDALINI be the attempt to acquire the new software which will portray the reality as reality?
Who Knows.