Friday, February 26, 2010




Recently, a detector deep in a mine in Minnesota - an old iron mine - has provided the first hint of an observation of dark matter. Dark matter is a kind of matter thought to comprise about a quarter of the mass in the Universe, as discussed in the last blog. While the recent discovery is by no means a conclusive evidence, it certainly is a pointer towards possibility of existence of dark matter. The properties of dark matter are not yet fully understood except that its existence is required to fully explain the calculations of expansion of universe. Currently it is also beyond human sensory perception, existing only in theory.


This brings us to the speculation of whether there could be a DARK TIME as well. Until now we have understood that the universe comprises of matter and energy, probably governed and regulated by TIME. Now the DARK counterparts of matter and energy are being discovered theoretically. So, could the DARK counterpart of TIME exist as well. Unseen, imperceptible, yet manifest and omnipresent. Familiar words but in a different context. Or, is it really?


Let us look at it another way. Earlier this year, the scientists studying gravity waves and black holes theorized that our universe could be like a hologram, implying that the limitlessness of the universe that we observe may actually be a projection. Esoteric should love this -Didn't we always tell you that it is all “Maya (illusion)”. So be it. But the holographic universe theory fits in very nicely with Dark matter, energy and TIME, making the string theory, multi-dimensional universes and the branes all fall in line, as all of those could be projections.


Will DARK TIME really lead us to enlightenment?

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