From Mandukya Upanishad:
Ōmityetadakṣharamidam sarvam, tasyopavyākhyanam,
bhūtam bhavatbhaviṣhyaditi sarvamomkāra eva;
yaccānyat trikālātītam tadapyomkāra eva.
OM! - This Imperishable Word is the whole of this visible universe. Its explanation is as follows: What has become, what is becoming, what will become, - verily, all of this is OM. And what is beyond these three states of the world of TIME, - that too, verily, is OM.
Conclusively TIME is independent of the three worlds, although part of OM. It would, therefore, be logical to construe that TIME is beyond creation or, shall we say, the Creator itself. Encompassing all, the greater being(s), perhaps the ‘Bliss Indivisible’ as defined by Adi Shankaracharya or still more appropriately the ‘Be–Ness’, as purported by the great esoteric Helena P Blavatsky.
Thinkers, world over, have proposed duality of nature being manifested through Sat(Reality, Truth) – Asat (Illusion, Maya). But since these manifestations occur only after the creation (before creation – there is nothing, but ‘Bliss Indivisible’ and/or Be-Ness), surely TIME will have a role to play in the creation. Can it be or rather has it been evidenced?
Both modern Science and the ancient wisdom prompt that the entire universe is perpetually in motion. Every particle in the entire universe is constantly in motion. This motion ceases only on the dissolution of the universe (Pralaya). Conversely, both the modern scientific theories (Multiverse Theories) and the ancient wisdom (Nights of Brahma) also acquiescent that TIME continues its motion during this phase (Pralaya) as well. Truly thus, the TIME itself is a synonym to motion, as without TIME, no motion can be conceived of.
TIME thus, is the fundamental part of every being in the universe. Occultists visualize the “Spark of Divinity” in every being and if that be so, why are we so ignorant of its role particularly as deeper thinking reveals that TIME can even answer prayers.
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