The cause and consequence based theory of Karma and its results are deeply engraved in human psyche.This theory postulates that all events that one experiences are results of certain action or actions at an earlier point in time. The theory envisages that not only all actions produce results but also that the actions and the results can be classified into two broad categories, i.e. good and bad. Good actions are likely to produce good results and bad actions are likely to produce bad results. The results are what one experiences at the present moment in time.
Albeit such a postulate accounts for a uni-dimensional vision of the experienced phenomena not supported by many scriptural as well as modern scientific theories. The spiritualist have seldom endeavoured to explore the plausibility of errors in this theory and, as such it has become perhaps ingrained into the human DNA. Many, who have wondered about the first cause have no satisfactory answers either.
Yet a deeper reflection reveals a number of unanswered questions. This theory assumes TIME to be linear. In the foregoing blog posts we have seen how through the aeons sages and scientists alike have concluded that Past, Present and Future are all one and it is only a state of mind that determines which is the Present. Soviet scientist Nikolai Kozyrev conducted scientific experiments to determine in his causal mechanics theory that cause and consequence is related to observer’s relative position in TIME. So, the same event or phenomena, in one position may appear as cause, could as well appear as consequence in another.This is also perfectly in sync with Einstein’s theory of General Relativity. Moreover, physicists exploring the Quantum Physics are coming round to the view that not only is it possible for the past to affect the future but even the future may modify the past. To grasp this one may have to totally remove the concept of linearity of TIME, which has been propagated by the good and bad karma theorists.
Practically speaking almost every spiritual thought stream in the world talks about the ultimate unity, liberation from the cycle of death and birth (liberation from TIME), Niravana, Raising the Kundalini (the ultimate state being existence independent of TIME) etc. But even more importantly, the Hindu Realism clearly defines the three popular Sanskrit words which have been rather misinterpreted to propagate the good and bad karma theory. The Hindu Realism defines the Sanskrit word Dharma as the principle which causes motion, Adharma as the principle which cause the motion to cease, or rest and Karma as the motion itself. There is no mention of motion being good or bad. However, total rest or cessation of motion is achieved only during Pralaya (dissolution of universe). At the TIME of creation again a motion is introduced into something called the Absolute Abstract Space or Akasha in popular Sanskrit and the universe manifests. The universe then sustains itself through the balance between motion and rest. A decline in motion will take the world towards Pralaya whereas an increase in motion will take the universe towards creation, so a balance is required. This is what is hinted at by Lord Krishna in Bhagvad Gita verse 4.7.
To comprehend this concept more vividly and unmistakably as also the nature of motion some pre-knowledge of wave theory of classical Physics is essential. Since the referred motion is wave motion and not a linear motion along a straight line or circle. Scriptures refer to this wave like motion as vibration since all vibrations are waves.It is the element of TIME which not only imparts the wave like character or nature to this motion, but also assists in maintaining the balance.
TIME may be running out for good or bad Karma.
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