Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Thus far we have been investigating TIME as a separate, self-governing, sovereign entity, alike MAYA (Illusion), GOD (The Almighty), SATAN (The Devil) etc – i.e. one of the manifestations of the Absolute, (Parabrahma, Avyakta etc,) This has been necessitated to reach this far.

We could now attempt to look at TIME as a principle. The great esoteric Helena Blavatsky, in her book “The Secret Doctrine”, mentions the existence of:

An Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless, and Immutable PRINCIPLE on which all speculation is impossible, since it transcends the power of human conception and could only be dwarfed by any human expression or similitude. It is beyond the range and reach of thought—in the words of Måñdükya Upanishad, “unthinkable and unspeakable.”

The above description is summarized in the word “Avyakta – the Indescribable”, as used by the Indian sages. The commonly held view is that there is a manifested portion of this Avyakta, which is possible to comprehend – The Universe, God etc. Theoretically thus, all the commentaries should be correlated to the manifested portion only although speculators like myself have never been deterred attempting to speculate on the Avyakta as well; and more often resulting in confusing between the two.

There is yet another diametric question , if it is Avyakta, then how do we conceive and conclude that the speculated manifestation is truly of ‘it’. Or can there be a third entity? There couldn’t be a logical answer to this if the concept of “Avyakta”, is true. So, my personal choice then falls on TIME itself being the “Avyakta”. Why ?

As per definition given above -

1.TIME is Omnipresent.

2.TIME is Eternal.

3.TIME is Boundless.

4.TIME is Immutable

And with that premise is it reasonable to speculate that TIME itself is the Source, as well as the principal manifestation; manifestation may occur in phases.

Interestingly, the excerpt quoted above is from a book that itself is a commentary on the Tibetan book called the “Book of Dzyan”, which itself is part of the collection called the “The Books of Kiu-Te”, which is the core of the Mahayana Budhism’s KALCHAKRA TANTRA – The Wheels of TIME.

And Helena Blavatsky herself, in her publication “Voice of the Silence”, poses the question – “Wouldst thou become a YOGI of Time’s Circle? Then, O Lanoo (Disciple).”

Yes, I would. In due course of TIME.

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